วันพุธที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Menopause Makes You Fat?

It's true that you can gain weight in menopause and gaining weight? Although it may seem like a silly question surely the answer will affect different women.

Why you get fat in menopause? Menopause is a combination of diet and heartbreaking for those who seek the solution to winning, losing weight in menopause is it possible? Some argue that the issue of menopause as a natural process is an equally positive .

True, but the symptoms and side effects of menopause can be staggering, both for patients and their doctors. Fortunately, a healthy diet and regular exercise can make a big difference .

So if you are premenopausal, menopausal or post -menopausal women, the advice is always to eat healthily and keep fit.

the menopause

The menopause makes you fat ?

Before considering an optimal plan for the care supply in menopause, you should consider a few things:
What happens in menopause activity of the ovaries is reduced. The result? The levels of estrogen and progesterone hormone vary, undergoing a remarkable decline, which translates to a hormonal imbalance, which leads, in turn, the body in search of a new equilibrium, which often requires a long period of adaptation.

The menstrual periods become irregular and alternating short cycles to longer cycles where the latter tend to decrease more and more until the end of the whole.

Because of the hormone fluctuation, the body undergoes a series of side effects, such as flushing, palpitations, insomnia etc...

Health Effects of Menopause

The reduction in the secretory capacity of estrogen leads to the following situation:

--The weight is redistributed on the central abdominal region, acquiring the so-called android type obesity.

--The levels of cholesterol and triglycerides tend to rise, fall and those of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol);

--There is an increased risk of heart disease due, in fact, the increase in serum cholesterol levels;

--There is an increased risk of osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones). Estrogens are involved, in fact, in regulating the amount of calcium found in bone: failing their control, the level of fixation of the mineral calcium in the bone matrix is considerably reduced, leaving inevitably a porous structure and fragile.

The causes of weight gain at Menopause

Although experts admit that menopausal women tend to gain weight, maintain that this process is not turned on or derived from the same menopause but, instead, is the result of three factors:

1. Excessive intake of calories through diet.

The point is that when you get older your muscle mass decreases. The result? The metabolic rate slows down, with the result that your calorie needs daily energy decreases.
Unfortunately, if this is not followed by a reduced caloric intake, you have the result of eating too much and, therefore, turn towards an inevitable accumulation of fat mass. Here's how it explains the increased body weight.

2. Insufficient Exercise

When you lose muscle strength, it has a tendency to move less and to reduce the quantitative levels of intensity and relatively exercise which results in the fall of the calorie consumption by the organism. This aspect is associated with a poor diet leads to a considerable increase of weight in the form of fat.

3. Physical and mental stress

Every woman when it crosses the menopause has a total change in one's state of mind: it feels more fragile, vulnerable and the mood is more easily influenced by external events . In fact, there are no scientific studies demonstrating that menopause per se is responsible for this state of psychological distress.

They are, however, especially the socio-cultural factors to facilitate this state. In these situations, we often turn to food as a means of comfort. So for a number of factors among them are concatenated, where the same play the role of cause and effect to other alternately, creating the conditions predisposing to the increase of its levels and adipose weighting.