วันศุกร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

How to Eliminate Belly Fast?

With July just around the corner, the time to overcome decently proof costumes are somewhat limited, but it should not make you give up dreams of glory. In fact, if your problem affects mostly the unsightly bacon, you still have time to devote to the work of restoration in view of the well-deserved holiday at the end of July and/or August.

Assuming that satisfactory results within a month or so is essential to have a minimum prior experience in terms of physical activity and a balanced diet, we can assure you that with the right advice and the necessary perseverance to be able to significantly reduce, and in health, localized fat on the belly.

Here is some useful rules which will help you quickly and remove as much as possible the hated bacon.

1) No fasting and crash diets

Starve in view of the evidence costume is the biggest mistake you can make because the rolls would end up lost recur, even more full-bodied, during the holidays and maintaining the ephemeral physical form, upon reaching, would go to hell!

2 ) Shopping list and weekly menu

Secure previously foods to buy at the supermarket is a good way to avoid temptation and plan a healthy and balanced your weekly menu. Here then is better to avoid cold meats and sausages, white bread and pizza, buy adiphene reviews, fatty cheeses, prepared foods and/or frozen foods, sweet or salty snacks, condiments that are high in fat such as butter and mayonnaise, whole milk, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and sugary juices with preservatives, etc..

3 ) Eat Healthy

To reduce the belly is essential to choose foods low in calories, fat and sodium as much as possible and avoid foods rich in preservatives, fried foods and meals outside the home that have proved difficult to manage when you have a goal like yours.

4) To purify and detox

To improve bowel function and thus deflate the stomach, it is impossible regardless of the constant consumption of fruit and vegetables from the diuretic and draining. The same goes for teas, green tea, water and lemon, etc..

5) Reduce carbohydrates

Limit your daily intake of carbohydrates, remaining always within the proper limits, it is useful for those who dream of a flat belly and deflated. The ideal would be to take the carbs in the first stage of the day, that is, for breakfast and lunch, and avoid them in the evening. This will help you to avoid the insulin spikes that turn out to be the main responsible for the accumulation of fat on the waistline.

6) Give highest priority to physical activity

To reduce your belly you need to exercise 3 or 4 times a week, for about an hour, combining running, cycling or dancing to targeted exercises for the abdomen. Killing of abs is almost useless, in fact, before you start with the more traditional gym exercises is essential to eliminate the excess fat aerobic activity on your stomach and then devote himself, just at a later time, to make some targeted exercises that help to tone, sculpt and strengthen the abdomen. In essence, the highest priority aerobic activity, which when combined with diet promotes thermogenesis and accelerate your metabolism, and then to anaerobic. Try absolutely a course of Zumba, Samba or kickboxing that, despite being very different from each other, are all useful to reduce the bacon.

7) Move at least 15 minutes a day

Carry out regular physical activity 3-4 times a week is not synonymous with a sedentary lifestyle in the remaining days, far from it. Try, therefore, to move during your daily activities.
To verify the results forget the scale and make fully rely on the tape measure.