วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Example Sports for Lose Weight

#1. The Gym 

Who goes to the gym to lose weight should favor activities that are sustainable on its degree of training and who have not pause that, in fact , make insufficient physical activity .
They are good indoor cycling or treadmill , if one's holding the boredom of a task that usually takes place outdoors . To understand this , 20, ' an exercise bike and 10 ' of the treadmill can be a good warm , but certainly not a workout !

The Gym for weight loss

Easier to apply to many aerobic activities that are launched from time to time as new; evaluate them for , Let us go back to the old time " aerobics " may correspond to an hour to an hour of running the same intensity and therefore ( as we shall see in section Corsa) is a valid choice as long as you make at least 3 hours per week.

Uninteresting for the purposes of weight loss is weight lifting activity , both because it has lots of breaks and because the untrained person can typically do a job that often is not even a tenth of that of a professional body builder and eventually " wastes "an hour to burn up to 100 calories! 

#2. Cycling and Swimming 

These sports very different between them are united perspective of slimming by the same factor : a medium ( water or bicycle ) which supports the athlete during exercise , allowing to have a movement with fatigue also very reduced.

Everyone knows that with a racing bike you can go , whether flat , 50 km / h , but you can safely walk to 15 km / h , consuming very little !

cycling for weight loss plan

Since the toughest workouts ( for example cycling uphill) are typical of sports already very trained , for weight loss, both the cycling that swimming try to compensate for the ease of the medium with the duration . Typically, flat, 2.5-hour bike correspond to an hour of running / walking (depending on effort that is made by bike) , so cycling is great for weightloss as long as the subject has much time ( realistically at least 6-8 hours per week ) .

For swimming the situation is much more complex , and if the subject has a great aquatics , 2 hours of swimming equivalent to about an hour of running / walking, but it is difficult to find the time and the desire to swim so long ; vice versa if he has a bad aquatics , caloric expenditure can rise a lot, but even in this case, it is difficult for the beginner to withstand a long effort for him unusual. It is concluded that swimming is a sport not indicated for weight loss .

 #3. Race 

The ride is definitely the sport more efficient from the perspective of weight loss because it allows you to spend a lot of time in the unit . For the sedentary , however, the approach must be gradual , but within 3-6 months you can get to run with satisfaction for an hour.

Contraindications to it can be orthopedic problems (remember , however, that a person who is unable to run for 10 km can not be called healthy : it is a subject that in old age will still have a worsening of the current orthopedic problems , aggravation that will produce a percentage of invalidity negligible , in other words , who at age 40 has put a hurt knee and does nothing to fix it, preferring to give up the race , 70 will have trouble even walking ) or marked overweight , a condition that may want to start with the journey .

The advantage of running is that it is very easy to calculate the calorie expenditure with an approximate formula , but simple: calories burned are equal to the mileage for your weight in kilograms. If the person weighs 70 kg and runs for 10 km consume 700 calories. Note that it does not matter race or hard : for the 10 km beginner it will take an hour, the champion of the world less than half , but both at the same weight , they will burn the same amount of calories. It follows that the best strategy is to cover as much distance as possible, consistent with the time available and their level of training.

#4. Path 

Usually those who can not (or do not like ) race turns to walk away. Given that weight loss just " simply " walk ( ie you do not need special techniques ) , we can say that the journey is a great choice if you have enough time available. In fact , not having the flight phase , the path of travel is less expensive and you can usually calculate a correction factor of 0.8 ( provided it is sufficiently intense ) : 5 km walk is equivalent to 4 km run . The bad news is that, since the lower speed , you spend a lot longer to burn the same amount of calories. Suppose that a person in an hour runs for 10 km; burning the same amount of calories must along 12.5 kilometers of walking and , if walking at 4 km / h , it takes about 3 hours!

#5. Conclusions

The data reported in the article are obviously averages on population and , in some cases, approximations , should therefore be used for guidance in the choice of physical activity to practice , only to suit your event and the way you play sports. As a final motivation , I leave you with the information that a sedentary start doing sports activity and burns 2,000 calories / week, more than a year will burn 10 pounds of fat and probably lose about 15 kg in weight (losing fat you also lose the ' bound water in it ), if it has only 10 kg overweight , not to go underweight, will be " forced" to eat more than you do now !