วันศุกร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Lose weight quickly and easily

You can lose weight easily and quickly? Excess fat causes you too much trouble and inconvenience in the life of every day and drastic diets that you have taken have left only a bitter taste in your mouth? Do not be discouraged by evil thoughts, you can lose weight quickly and easily! Strict diets and intense short-lived, however, may not be the solution congenial to you, but remember that there are only these: the ways and tips to give the right boost to your efforts to lose weight quickly and easily and to more easily and practical, are the most diverse possible.
Lose weight easily and speed.

There is always a solution for everything , it is important not crash ever!
Let's start with the advice to lose weight and lose weight fast :
First of all, you should be able to forget about your main enemy , the excess weight.
Yes, this may seem like a contradiction beautiful and good , but in reality this phrase lies the simplest of truths : too many people focus beyond measure on excess pounds , thinking of them as an insurmountable obstacle to deal with. Take things calmly and with the right proper attention and focused your efforts as best you can to try to solve this problem without making it a real matter of life or death. You will see that with time , the results may be conspicuous, but to achieve this requires a certain serenity , if you do not want to get counterproductive results .
Be therefore always positive and proactive towards your goals , in fact this is definitely the best way to deal with a program aimed at a diet quick and easy ! Develop habits that encourage physical activity. This is a critical step that you should not forget to encourage your diet.
It also says the science that exercise brings only benefits to an organization : people who train constantly coming to burn up to 500 calories more than usual every day. Any exercise can burn calories , so why wait? Once you read the article you might have already come out for a healthy walk always in the open air . Physical exercise will help you tremendously to combat excess fat , and you will also feel good about yourself.
There is no better way that you can ensure a safe weight loss : run, walk , ride a bike or in the gym are the most practical and effective solutions to use to lose weight quickly and easily.
Drink plenty of water , liquid vital to the body.
Take most powerful diet pills supplements such as adiphene diet pills, phen375 or etc...

Nothing you can say goodbye to hydrate better than a glass of cold water, which will help to combat the unwanted pounds stimulating diuresis and eliminating the toxins that are present in the body.
It 'can also increase the body's metabolism: 8-10 glasses of water per day must therefore represent an essential habit.
Do not let groped by all those snacks that actually represent only a time bomb for your diet and your body. It is actually foods high in sugar and calories, substances that you should keep well away from your mouth if you do not want to see boost your excess pounds.

A helpful hint and effective way to lose weight quickly and easily is to organize the meals daily, giving priority to foods such as chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables.
Try to eat at least five servings of vegetables per day, which will ensure more fiber and less fat, and at least four servings of fruit.
Both are rich in calcium, vitamins and various minerals, substances that can only be beneficial to your body.

Grains and grain products such as bread or rice are an excellent food, because counteract the increase in blood sugar, such as foods rich in calcium, such as milk, yogurt and cheeses, which facilitate weight loss .
Place beans in your diet for about 3-5 days a week, legumes rich in fiber, especially soluble ones, which have the property of lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.
To finish off the fish and olive oil are a good source of so-called "good" fats, which help to stabilize blood sugar. Always have an eye towards the portions of food that you bring to the table.
Keep in mind that a meat dish that is normal to a diet that has as objective to lose weight quickly and easily should have the consistency of a deck of cards, while pasta and cereals should not be larger than the size of a cup.

Too little sleep is a danger to the body, as it promotes a considerable increase in body mass going to spoil her hormonal function.
Specific research conducted on this subject have shown that when you are well rested metabolism rises and the heat are burned much more efficiently.
Do not watch too much television: this is advice also directed to your younger children.

Final conclusions useful for easily lose weight quickly
Unfortunately, many are moving to television commercials and advertising of junk products that can surely look nice and delicious, but actually contain extremely high levels of calories. Also, stay glued to the cathode ray tube is not conducive to weight loss, but rather, it determines the opposite effect. Think about this before you turn on the television, as it could be a real double-edged sword!

Lose weight the natural way

If you are trying to lose weight in a natural healthy, safe and effective and avail of AT without the expensive supplements formulated to assist in the process of weight loss, well, this is the right article for you. The secret to lose weight naturally is free and simply requires your commitment and discipline in accordance with the following three principles that will guarantee a sure success.
How to lose weight the natural way?
Step #1

Practicing regular exercise. Exercise can also be limited to one, simple as invigorating walk. In the walk -fatty acids are used for energy. More precisely, the walk is one of those activities of low intensity and long-term best defined as aerobic activities. The peculiarity of these activities is to be characterized by a kind of aerobic energy metabolism.
The aerobic metabolism uses as main energy substrate or organic fuel, if you prefer: the fatty acid. Thus, any activity that is characterized by an aerobic metabolism to produce energy, it is also an activity of lipolytic (ie, favoring the phenomenon of "fat burning"). This is a very important aspect in the choice of physical activities that you can do and it is equally interesting to know that the simple walk has a high potential lipolytic (ie, to preside over the energy processes that use fat as fuel molecule priority to produce energy).
Understand this important aspect, time to burn fat effectively you need in a gradual and progressive take their walk at a level a little more sustained, about 8 miles per hour for at least 30 minutes a day. At such a speed will need to coordinate well the movement between upper and lower limbs at the end of a correct continuation of the movement as well as an optimal maintenance of the balance.
All of this will foster an increase in the muscle tone of your body and it will make you look much better shape than you could be the first.

Step #2

The diet. Observe a healthy and balanced diet and you will have guaranteed success for the purpose of effective body fat loss. If introduceste a caloric amount higher than that of which really need to meet the needs of your total daily calorie needs, that's the caloric excess would be filed, without any doubt, in the form of body fat.
A healthy, balanced diet should include a wide variety of categories including food sources of protein: meat, fish, eggs, lean meats and natural. A healthy, balanced diet should include at least 4 servings of these protein meals. One serving of protein is equivalent to 100g of cooked meat, or 2 whole eggs, 90g of dried beef or tip of the hip (the cut thinner).
As regards, instead, the carbohydrates a balanced diet should include at least 3-4 servings of carbohydrate sources quality. A portion of carbohydrate quality is equivalent, roughly, to three tablespoons of breakfast cereal, or a slice of whole wheat bread or rye bread or pumpernickel bread, or a sweet potato (or better known as " sweet potatoes ") the size of two eggs.
In addition, we must never forget the fruits and vegetables, foods are very important for their vitamin content, minerals and antioxidants. Therefore, again because they felt healthy and balanced diet can, you must include the conditions listed earlier also nutritional 3-4 servings of fruits and vegetables.
Each serving of fruits or vegetables weighs about 80 grams and is equivalent to:
2 tablespoons vegetable.
whole fruit such as a pear, an orange, an apple.
2 tablespoons of strawberries or raspberries.
In your diet also included dairy products and lean dairy products.
Eat one or two daily servings of dairy products and / or low-fat dairy products. A portion of these foods is equivalent to a medium-sized glass of milk, or a small bowl of yogurt.

Step #3

Drink more water during the day. You should know that a good fluid intake helps in effectively stay hydrated, favors the expulsion of toxins and metabolic waste products and also not less important is the fundamental importance of water in promoting digestive processes optimizing them.
That said, once you have made ​​your healthy habit of drinking water, to assume targeted for a daily total of at least 8 glasses. Furthermore, it was shown that drinking 500ml of water before physical activity does increase significantly the metabolism in the course of exercise. Not just if you think that the water does not provide calories and can be totally free. Therefore, drinking water in adequate quantities will help you lose fat in a natural way.
To facilitate this process:
Drink a glass of water before meals. The water will help you feel more satiated and then eat even less.
Drink water throughout the day instead of filling the "empty" stomach with food "junk" (eg, brioches, croissants, pastries, sandwiches, sandwiches, meats high in fat, sweets, and sugar-sweetened carbonated soft drinks, etc.)..
Drink water as it will help to eradicate the toxins responsible for, inter alia, conditions of exhaustion.

In this way you will have more energy available for physical activity and that, consequently, will allow you to burn more fat and thus lose weight with adiphene reviews uk.
Only you can decide to commit to a healthy and profitable exercise plan as to one nutrition. If you follow these principles are easy to apply soon you will see substantial results while at the same time you will find that you can get a slimming safe, effective and fast, but above all natural.
Your health and your fitness level will improve considerably and you will feel satisfied.

Crunch abdominal oblique


There is nothing that the dimeglio crunch to train your abs obliques and transverse abdominals, the execution of this kind of crunch it will be more difficult by newbies since it requires a minimum of coordination of movement. 

Beginning with the start of the classic oblique crunch: there is positioned lying supine with legs that must be squarely prenendo the ground with the heels of your feet and your arms should be bent towards the head nearly touching his temples lightly with your fingers.

Crunch oblique

Once in place we can start training our abs by contracting the abdomen carrying a shoulder to the opposite hip without worrying about wanting to touch your knee with your elbow. 

Awarded the rotation of the trunk a few inches, just very slowly return to the starting position without resting your shoulders.
Then continue until you reach the repetitions indicated in the worksheet.

How to Eliminate Belly Fast?

With July just around the corner, the time to overcome decently proof costumes are somewhat limited, but it should not make you give up dreams of glory. In fact, if your problem affects mostly the unsightly bacon, you still have time to devote to the work of restoration in view of the well-deserved holiday at the end of July and/or August.

Assuming that satisfactory results within a month or so is essential to have a minimum prior experience in terms of physical activity and a balanced diet, we can assure you that with the right advice and the necessary perseverance to be able to significantly reduce, and in health, localized fat on the belly.

Here is some useful rules which will help you quickly and remove as much as possible the hated bacon.

1) No fasting and crash diets

Starve in view of the evidence costume is the biggest mistake you can make because the rolls would end up lost recur, even more full-bodied, during the holidays and maintaining the ephemeral physical form, upon reaching, would go to hell!

2 ) Shopping list and weekly menu

Secure previously foods to buy at the supermarket is a good way to avoid temptation and plan a healthy and balanced your weekly menu. Here then is better to avoid cold meats and sausages, white bread and pizza, buy adiphene reviews, fatty cheeses, prepared foods and/or frozen foods, sweet or salty snacks, condiments that are high in fat such as butter and mayonnaise, whole milk, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and sugary juices with preservatives, etc..

3 ) Eat Healthy

To reduce the belly is essential to choose foods low in calories, fat and sodium as much as possible and avoid foods rich in preservatives, fried foods and meals outside the home that have proved difficult to manage when you have a goal like yours.

4) To purify and detox

To improve bowel function and thus deflate the stomach, it is impossible regardless of the constant consumption of fruit and vegetables from the diuretic and draining. The same goes for teas, green tea, water and lemon, etc..

5) Reduce carbohydrates

Limit your daily intake of carbohydrates, remaining always within the proper limits, it is useful for those who dream of a flat belly and deflated. The ideal would be to take the carbs in the first stage of the day, that is, for breakfast and lunch, and avoid them in the evening. This will help you to avoid the insulin spikes that turn out to be the main responsible for the accumulation of fat on the waistline.

6) Give highest priority to physical activity

To reduce your belly you need to exercise 3 or 4 times a week, for about an hour, combining running, cycling or dancing to targeted exercises for the abdomen. Killing of abs is almost useless, in fact, before you start with the more traditional gym exercises is essential to eliminate the excess fat aerobic activity on your stomach and then devote himself, just at a later time, to make some targeted exercises that help to tone, sculpt and strengthen the abdomen. In essence, the highest priority aerobic activity, which when combined with diet promotes thermogenesis and accelerate your metabolism, and then to anaerobic. Try absolutely a course of Zumba, Samba or kickboxing that, despite being very different from each other, are all useful to reduce the bacon.

7) Move at least 15 minutes a day

Carry out regular physical activity 3-4 times a week is not synonymous with a sedentary lifestyle in the remaining days, far from it. Try, therefore, to move during your daily activities.
To verify the results forget the scale and make fully rely on the tape measure.

How to lose weight with Herbal Superfood

Herbal teas, rich in alkaloids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins, are a blessing to the body and the mind. They come in all types and for all tastes, ranging from purifying herbal teas, dietary, digestive and draining until you get to the relaxing and healing. Here we turn our attention to slimming teas that, as the Marco Visconti, chief medical practice unconventional Fatebenefratelli hospital in Rome, would be able to actually promote weight loss. Of course, to achieve significant results, however, need to drink one or two infusions per day for 20 days, take a break for two weeks and then repeat the cycle. All this at least once per season.
At this point we can only offer a slimming tea and adiphene diet pills is easy to prepare at home after buying her as many as 12 ingredients in any herbal. Or you can buy it already prepared and packaged by skilled hands, and enjoy the slimming effect without even having to go herbal.


Even without the addition of sweeteners, this slimming tea tastes pretty sweet to the taste of blackberries or cherries.


Due to the large amount of protein, essential vitamins and minerals needed to support our metabolism, this do- it-yourself herbal tea helps fight hunger attacks and the constant need for sweets and sugars, as well as increasing energy levels also during a diet, improve bowel function and support the immune system and cardiovascular system.


As already mentioned, the tea is made from well 12 herbal ingredients extraordinarily nutrients. Here they are:

 - Melissa officinalis from aromatic properties, carminative, sedative, but also antibacterial, antiviral and stomachic.
- The leaves of wild blackberries are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber.
- The verbena leaves from the tonic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and febrifuge.
- Hibiscus flowers with remarkable antiseptic, astringent, digestive, diuretic, emollient, refrigerant, sedative, etc..
- The rose hips which has a strengthening of the defenses of the organism.
- Goji berries contain 18 different types of amino acids and are a source of potassium and magnesium.
- The genmaicha, able to fight the action of free radicals, stimulate your metabolism and promote diuresis.
- The lemon peel from the refreshing, detoxifying and soothing.
- The kelp, much appreciated and effective for its high content of minerals and the abundant presence of iodine, a mineral essential for proper thyroid function and consequently the metabolism.
- The flowers of the sunflower digestive, diuretic and febrifuge.
- The oxycoccus, rich in polyphenols.
- The pieces of dehydrated apple, rich in fiber and phytonutrients.

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Abdominal crunch oblique

There is nothing that the Dimeglio crunch to train your abs obliques and transverse abdominals, the execution of this kind of crunch it will be more difficult by newbies since it requires a minimum of coordination of movement.

Beginning with the start of the classic oblique crunch without weight loss pills: there is positioned lying supine with legs that must be squarely prenendo the ground with the heels of your feet and your arms should be bent towards the head nearly touching his temples lightly with your fingers.

abdominal crunch oblique

crunch oblique

Once in place we can start training our abs by contracting the abdomen carrying a shoulder to the opposite hip without worrying about wanting to touch your knee with your elbow.

Awarded the rotation of the trunk a few inches, just very slowly return to the starting position without resting your shoulders.
Then continue until you reach the repetitions indicated in the worksheet.

Crunch for the oblique abdominal exercises gym workout fitness

5 Diet Recipes for Summer

In the summer it is essential to eat healthy and light, to defend himself from the heat and take advantage of it even to lose a few pounds. It is said that with low-calorie dishes are bland and not very tasty. With a little 'fantasy fact, you will bring to the table of the true delights without damage to your target weight. Here are some recipes for summer light, strictly to below 400 Kcal and with their nutritional values.

Spaghetti for summer

Spaghetti with Tuna Sauce and Ginger
Ingredients (for four people)
300 grams of semolina spaghetti (those are fine also on guitar)
150 grams of tuna in brine
Half red onion
A clove of garlic
10 grams of capers


Begin to drain the tuna. If you do not like the natural taste , put it in a bowl and add a bit ' of lemon. Take the red onion on cutting board and let it into very thin slices . Do the same with the garlic. Put in a pan with the slices obtained in a teaspoon of oil. Fry for two or three minutes, until garlic and onions have taken on a nice golden color . At this point, throw the ginger in the pan and continue cooking for another minute . Boil the water and then throw in the spaghetti . Remember that for an optimum taste should be slightly al dente . Once ready , drain and pour into a bowl. Add the browned mince , tuna made ​​into small pieces with capers and basil .
A portion of spaghetti with tuna and ginger ( about 70 grams ) provides 360 Kcal . Onions , although you would not think , help digestion because they contain allipropile . Ginger is an excellent antioxidant and instead favors the production of melatonin , which is essential for a wonderful and healthy tan . Finally, do not forget that basil is a valuable source of vitamin C , detoxifying and anti-diabetic .
Turkey with balsamic peppers

Ingredients (for 4 people)

650 gr of thin slices of turkey
2 very ripe peppers
A handful of pine nuts
A handful of capers or alternatively a teaspoon of anchovy sauce
1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper


In a nonstick pan begin to toast the pine nuts , holding the flame fairly low so they will not burn . Then clean the two peppers , removing the seeds and the white part . Cut them into strips and put them in a blender. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and a little bit of fresh tomato sauce , then go cut until you have a paste. Cook the turkey slices on the plate. After they have cooled slightly , sprinkle with a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and tasteless paintings with salt and pepper. Finally, in your non-stick pan , rack the meat, the sauce of peppers , pine nuts and chopped capers or anchovy paste and cook everything on high heat for about a minute .

A serving of turkey pepperoni balsamic adds 230 calories. Peppers , like all red vegetables , is rich in vitamin C and A , which are essential to strengthen the body's defenses and improve skin elasticity . If you do not digested , before processing them , try to remove the peel . The pine nuts are shown to strengthen bones , especially in the period of menopause. But do not overdo it with the doses because they are pretty caloric .
Savory Tart light

Ingredients (for 4 people)

200 grams of puff pastry in a light version (found easily in the refrigerated supermarket )
2 large zucchini
2 eggs
60 grams of tofu or feta light
70 grams of dried beef or ham well degreased
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil


Grease with a teaspoon of oil a baking dish circular , standardizing the well bottom. Cover with parchment paper if you do not wish to use the oil. Coated the container with a layer of pastry, bucherellandola with fork because does not swell during cooking. Then you can start to arrange the zucchini cut into very thin slices . If you prefer , replace them with other vegetables like peppers, eggplants or tomatoes ripe . Over the layer obtained , chopped cheese. Make a second layer of vegetables . In a small dish , beat the egg with a pinch of salt, then pour over the vegetables patty . Finish covering everything with slices of dried beef or ham , and finally close the pie with the pastry, increasing the thickness along the circumference . Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 20 minutes at high temperature . Before serving , wait a minute.
A slice of pie 100g provides 240 Kcal . It can be accompanied by a salad of cherry tomatoes , corn and a handful of red beans for a healthy meal , light and complete . Among the nutritional virtues of this dish is the purifying of zucchini, which contains a lot of water and minerals , promote detoxification of the body . The cheese greek as tofu are nutritious , have poor satiating power and polyunsaturated fats .
Rigatoni with Cauliflower Cream

Ingredients (for 4 people)

250 grams of rigatoni integrals
1 small cauliflower
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
A pinch of salt


Cut the green part of the cauliflower, then put it on to boil. After 10 minutes, let it rest in a dish until it has cooled down and then pass it in the blender. Cook the pasta and sprinkle with the creamy sauce of cauliflower. If you want to further add flavor, add a tablespoon of Philadelphia Light (38 Kcal). Add the oil and brown the fairies all in a pyrex dish in the preheated oven for five minutes.
One serving provides 230 kcal. Cauliflower is a blessing for all those who suffer from water retention and bloating, because it promotes diuresis.
Grapefruit with Surprise
Ingredients (for 2 people)
2 pink grapefruits
4 cups of low-fat yogurt
6 egg whites


After being squeezed, empty and clean grapefruit. Let them rest in the freezer. Meanwhile, prepare the filling, mix the yogurt, the juice of two grapefruits and a teaspoon of sugar. Whip the egg whites and incorporate the cream, then fill it with grapefruit. Let freeze for at least two hours before serving.

One serving provides 90 calories. Great idea for an easy dessert and light, which can safely replace the fruit. The grapefruit is a fruit that helps you lose weight and lowers the glycemic index.

How to have a perfect body

how to have a perfect body shapeHow to have a perfect physique Both the man and the woman want a perfect body on a daily basis and are committed to achieving this reason and for this purpose may be easier with the right advice and recommendations, eg on what is best to do to avoid getting a physical even more perfect.

How to have a perfect body without weight loss pills? This is the question asked by many newbies and with such terminology I refer to those who come into the gym in March-April and then show off muscles exceptional in June and July and undergoing grueling workouts sometimes too.

How to have a perfect body

What are the conditions to get a perfect physique correct:

By this means all those nutritional practices, training intensity, training volume, frequency of training and purchase of nutritional supplements designed according to application criteria completely extraneous and / or wrong by what the body considers it necessary to make adjustments (Growth muscle and / or slimming for example).

For this reason, here are my five tips on what to avoid and what not to do, to be able to get a perfect physique in less time and without unnecessary stress on the body:

After vigorous workouts, the body needs to compensate for the trauma of the appropriate recovery and super compensation, ie, give rise to the desired muscle growth process.
The train every day from a psychological point of view satisfies the conscience about the attempt paid to "go all out", but at the physiological level is not interpreted the same way by our system of integration between the hormonal system and the nervous systems.

In a nutshell, your body will enter a state of metabolic and hormonal catabolism = DESTRUCTION OF MUSCLE.
Limit your attendance at the gym at 3 sessions per week.
No more.

Similarly to what is stated above, the inherently wrong habits of "geeks do it yourself" and at the last moment, you think that "the more you do the better it is."
As already pointed out, in this case the "more is done" in terms of training volume is a signal from our body ill-conceived for the purpose of muscle growth, but is instead perceived as supplementary stress to the daily workload.
In a nutshell a high volume weight training easily recognizable in sessions lasting over 60 minutes results in adaptations exquisitely catabolic (muscle wasting that is).
Limit your workouts to a duration of 45-60 minutes at the most.

Still referring to those who want to get maximum muscle development in a short time, a typical recurrent error in his habits is the search for high loads from the first sessions in the gym.
Not only the person in question may not be in possession of the correct movement pattern for a given year, but its bones, joints and muscular system may not be ready for major stress.
Under these conditions it is easy to be susceptible to injuries to muscles and joints.
Start a program of weight training with loads suited to your ability and joint load, and proceed gradually without "forge ahead".

The novice user looking for a physical jock in the few months prior to the test suit, also falls into that category of individuals (and this happens in most cases) who still believes in the potential of "magic pills", and this expression I am referring to all those natural supplements super sponsored in the pre-summer and summer of weight loss, promising excellent in "biblical times."
Therefore, switching from a NON use of supplements to the purchase of all categories of supplements possible, as if they had miraculous effects for the purposes of a significant improvement in body composition.
Buy supplements sparingly and with a view of "integration" to the shortcomings of an already adequate and well-structured nutritional program.

The majority of the masses who are besieging the gyms placed in the upcoming summer, more confident on the factor on training and super supplements advertised rather than in a healthy and balanced diet.

Exercises to flatten your tummy

Exercises to flatten your tummy to flatten your stomach in addition to the common exercises is appropriate to take into account other important factors.

Flatten your stomach in a week without diet pills? What are the exercises to get a flat stomach? The belly and a consequent flatter stomach is the result of the successful application of different factors of various nature, the flat stomach can be considered as the result of:
Shortly abdominal fat
Anamento or reduction of swelling gastro-intestinal
Effect of abdominal press

exercises to flatten your tummy

Exercises to flatten your tummy

Instead , the abdominal vacuum is better known under the name of "empty abdominal" .

Namely the ability to create a kind of hole or vacuum in correspondence of the abdominal wall as a consequence of a displacement of the viscera toward the spine .
Obviously, this effect arises primarily by the high functional capacity of the muscles in that area to carry out efficiently such action retraction as well as the proven practice of training.

Although at first glance it may not exist a substantial difference between the terminology of flat stomach and abdominal vacuum , from a functional point of view for the first concept means a physical condition existing at rest , then it is a terminology to refer to a static situation , however , the second refers to the ability to create a dynamic physical condition of vacuum in the abdominal area following the developed muscles ability to compress and move in before the viscera .

Static condition of "flat stomach" and "abdominal vacuum" are two conditions that influence each other in a reciprocal manner .
Thus, the morphological and physiological conditions that shape the acquisition of the flat stomach help in preparing the best conditions for the practice of functional abdominal vacuum .

On the other hand , however, un'allenata practice of vacuum abdominal favors the conquest functional morphological adaptation of " belly and a flatter belly " in rest conditions .

To get a flatter stomach follow the following tips:

Adopted nutritional strategies aimed at weight loss.
Perform specific workouts for the muscles: rectus abdominis, internal obliques, external obliques, transverse abdominis.
Do not eat foods that create swelling.
An example of exercises for these muscles is the following:
Crunch on the ground or mat (rectus abdominis)
Reverse Crunch on Bench (rectus abdominis)
Crunch with a twist (rectus abdominis and obliques)
Twisting of the torso on the "torsion disc machine" (oblique)
The transversus abdominis can recruit selectively with the exercises below.
As for power, as a general rule, avoid all starchy foods, favorite carbohydrate sources such as fruits, tubers and vegetables. Normally starchy foods create conditions of swelling as a function of digestion disturb the chemistry inherent in their nutritional spectrum.

Exercises for abdominal vacuum

1) Exercise of abdominal compression
Lie on your back on a mat , arms positioned along the trunk and parallel to it, legs slightly apart , knees bent so that the soles of the feet can remain in contact with the ground .
Inhale deeply , then exhale fully and at the end of exhalation , push the "belly" toward the spine with the proper contraction of the transversus abdominis muscle . Hold this position for at least 6 seconds total apnea .
Perform this exercise for 10 series with breaks of 45 seconds.

2 ) Exercise of abdominal compression and manipulation
Adopted the same technical exercise mentioned above, but add to it a supplementary action of manual compression .
More precisely, after performing the exhalation and pushing your belly toward your spine , close your hands by way of the fist, place them on the abdominal cavity and push further towards the spine .
The compression / manipulation must be performed in a controlled manner and not abrupt .
Perform abdominal manipulation for 6 seconds and not exceed 8 seconds .
Perform 10 sets of this exercise with breaks of 60 seconds.

Burn Fat with coffee

How many sports burning fat? Before drinking a cup of coffee. After the first three weeks of this original treatment, we realize we have made a magic!

burning fat coffeeThe coffee does not hurt, but you have to take it with certain criteria! It has many positive properties for body, skin and mental well-being. Improves the ability of the brain declarative helping students in the activity of study and to relate better to a school or university exam.

But why coffee helps burn fat? And it is right to take coffee before doing physical activity? In fact, caffeine acts as a stimulator of energy and helps metabolize fat. Stimulates the burning of fatty acids producing energy. That's why drinking coffee before sport not only ensures a higher yield and an early result, but also helps to double your fat burning.

In fact, the coffee also increases the metabolic activity speeds up digestion. The worst thing you can do is in fact take a break and go to the gym and eat a small snack and then start to play sports. In this case, the feeling of nausea that will feel will be truly devastating and feel the need of a little break.

The negative effects, however, can occur in two main cases:

1. if you overdo it.

2. if you eat something before you do sports.

It's wrong even drink coffee and do not exercise. The coffee it helps to dispose of a small amount of fat but not absolutely necessary to leave everything to chance. The important thing is not to abuse, otherwise the coffee could have a completely different effect. In moderation is the key to a successful fair.

Have a nice day with burn your fat. ;)

วันพุธที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Menopause Makes You Fat?

It's true that you can gain weight in menopause and gaining weight? Although it may seem like a silly question surely the answer will affect different women.

Why you get fat in menopause? Menopause is a combination of diet and heartbreaking for those who seek the solution to winning, losing weight in menopause is it possible? Some argue that the issue of menopause as a natural process is an equally positive .

True, but the symptoms and side effects of menopause can be staggering, both for patients and their doctors. Fortunately, a healthy diet and regular exercise can make a big difference .

So if you are premenopausal, menopausal or post -menopausal women, the advice is always to eat healthily and keep fit.

the menopause

The menopause makes you fat ?

Before considering an optimal plan for the care supply in menopause, you should consider a few things:
What happens in menopause activity of the ovaries is reduced. The result? The levels of estrogen and progesterone hormone vary, undergoing a remarkable decline, which translates to a hormonal imbalance, which leads, in turn, the body in search of a new equilibrium, which often requires a long period of adaptation.

The menstrual periods become irregular and alternating short cycles to longer cycles where the latter tend to decrease more and more until the end of the whole.

Because of the hormone fluctuation, the body undergoes a series of side effects, such as flushing, palpitations, insomnia etc...

Health Effects of Menopause

The reduction in the secretory capacity of estrogen leads to the following situation:

--The weight is redistributed on the central abdominal region, acquiring the so-called android type obesity.

--The levels of cholesterol and triglycerides tend to rise, fall and those of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol);

--There is an increased risk of heart disease due, in fact, the increase in serum cholesterol levels;

--There is an increased risk of osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones). Estrogens are involved, in fact, in regulating the amount of calcium found in bone: failing their control, the level of fixation of the mineral calcium in the bone matrix is considerably reduced, leaving inevitably a porous structure and fragile.

The causes of weight gain at Menopause

Although experts admit that menopausal women tend to gain weight, maintain that this process is not turned on or derived from the same menopause but, instead, is the result of three factors:

1. Excessive intake of calories through diet.

The point is that when you get older your muscle mass decreases. The result? The metabolic rate slows down, with the result that your calorie needs daily energy decreases.
Unfortunately, if this is not followed by a reduced caloric intake, you have the result of eating too much and, therefore, turn towards an inevitable accumulation of fat mass. Here's how it explains the increased body weight.

2. Insufficient Exercise

When you lose muscle strength, it has a tendency to move less and to reduce the quantitative levels of intensity and relatively exercise which results in the fall of the calorie consumption by the organism. This aspect is associated with a poor diet leads to a considerable increase of weight in the form of fat.

3. Physical and mental stress

Every woman when it crosses the menopause has a total change in one's state of mind: it feels more fragile, vulnerable and the mood is more easily influenced by external events . In fact, there are no scientific studies demonstrating that menopause per se is responsible for this state of psychological distress.

They are, however, especially the socio-cultural factors to facilitate this state. In these situations, we often turn to food as a means of comfort. So for a number of factors among them are concatenated, where the same play the role of cause and effect to other alternately, creating the conditions predisposing to the increase of its levels and adipose weighting.

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

How to lose weight like dancing

Hi, Thanks for your visiting this blog, as you know, there are thousands of ways to help you lose weight, this time you speak of how to lose weight in a fun way, if you heard it.

Try to use every tool possible to lose weight will prove as enjoyable as possible, remember to think only lose weight, that's your only task to achieve your goal to lose weight fast and efficiently

lose weight like dancing

For where you go out, where you are or what you do, try to associate it with how to lose weight, well as I said I'll tell you how to lose weight nice and pleasant way.

Try to go to clubs and dance to your liking, and you hear it, just dancing, dancing generates a significant calorie burning, dance the fact is an exercise and therefore a pleasant way to how to lose weight.

Almost all girls love dancing, if this is your case, as well, focuses all those like dancing to lose weight, starts going to your taste discs and dance as much as you can, if you do this too next to a feeding routine, I assure you that in less than the blink of a rooster weight come down.

So if you're somebody who is not a party strip, then fail and sees all and invite you to dance and dance as much as you can, of course in a healthy manner without abuse.

You can also do it at home alone or with friends, you can do bailoterapia, this will be of great use to lose weight fast, so dancing.

Remember that known on this blog how to be skinny find everything you need for fast weight loss. Success and God bless you.

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Avoid Alcohol To Losing Weight

Hello Everybody, I hope you're using all the tips I've given you to lose weight and you look skinny, in this post I'm talking about a subject that often ask, about whether alcohol is fattening, and well, I give the answer to you're lighter on this, remember that all the recommendations I give are vital importances and you should give them a lot of attention if you want to achieve your goal and be skinny as soon as possible so that your blog "I want to be skinny."

Alcohol with Losing Weight

Certainly alcohol is fattening, if you check any diet no alcohol anywhere, this is because it contains a lot of calories , alcohol prevents fats and carbohydrates are eliminated and instead, it is stored. Basically affects your metabolism and makes you work slower, this will generate not will burn fat efficiently and therefore shopkeepers get fat if you drink frequently and also doing too much, shopkeepers get fat or perhaps already are, other than that the Alcohol is high in sugar and when we are eating drinking and usually we are getting more sugars and calories to the body.

So avoid alcohol if your goal is weight loss, lose weight and look skinny, even one drink but do not dislike either abuses, can sip a glass of seen in a while, but do not turn this routine because honestly to do so, will not achieve the goal of being skinny and look beautiful, so you know not abuse and prudent, remember that excessive drinking impairs health in general.

Try to focus on your goal to get results in a short time and avoid alcohol at all times.

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

4 tips to lose weight after having a baby

1. Follow any of these weight loss plans that are here to go back to your normal weight, but first ask your doctor if it is right and no matter what weight loss plan you do ...

2. Be sure to consume at least 1,500 calories per day so that you are able to produce enough milk to breastfeed, remember that...

3. It's good to breastfeed your baby because that way your body burns an extra 500 calories per day (or burn one pound of fat a week) trying to generate milk for your baby.

lose weight after baby birth

Another study in mothers who had taken a month after childbirth found that mothers who breastfed their babies (either exclusively or in part ) had slimmer hips and weighed less than women whose babies received only formula milk (Kramer 1993) . but ...

4. If you're a busy single mom or mom, then for you it could be much easier to lose weight using this plan to lose weight at home , too ...

Also check this following ...

Get 24 celebrity moms lose weight after having their babies

A Mom Fabulous and In Shape ( Fit Yummy Mummy ) - 3 Simple Secrets To Burning Fat And Eliminate Fat After Pregnancy , Abdomen and Have a plan to get you can finally New In Your Skinny Jeans!

วันพุธที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

5 Mobile apps for lose weight

The title of this article may seem like an advertising slogan or the classic "scream" of a web writer which must in any case be able to achieve the results. How can a simple gadget weighs 136 grams. help you lose weight? Yet to think of it, what is potentially the best existing personal trainer or nutritionist for excellence if not one that is always with you?

The iPhone follows you always (or almost), is part of your work life, your public life, and of course your private life. It is reliable and accurate. It just needs a recharge every now and then, the application of the moment and of course an owner with a huge self-discipline and the right motivation, but these skills are required in every type of diet as well as in any sport.

mobile app for lose weight

Below we have selected some of the most downloaded applications that target the diet, understood as weight loss, and fitness. They are almost all in English:

1. Daily Burn

From the same creators of Meal Snap, Daily Burn uses their function FoodScanner to scan the UPC bar code of over 350,000 foods -- without typing anything. The application also includes a tool for designing and analyzing your training plan.

2. CrunchFu

CrunchFu able to detect motion while doing crunches or other abdominal exercises. Keep just the iPhone against your chest while you do the exercises and the application will provide feedback on the speed and shape. The designers dell's app guarantee results with double CrunchFu.

Also on site there is a world ranking points which you can participate by sending data from your iPhone.

3. Fast Food Calorie Counter

Very American, this app is difficult to use in Italy, except for those who eat regularly from Mc Donald's. In fact, if you can not abolish the burgers you should at least check your calorie intake. Fast Food Calorie Counter offers a searchable database of nutritional information for menu items 9,141 73 fast food of the most important course in the USA.

4. Meal Snap

The ultimate app for the power to break the web, Meal Snap easily analyze what you eat, recording day-to-day calories and macro nutrients ingested. simply:

1. Take a picture of what you are about to eat.
2. To be sure you get it right, you also enter a description.
3. And off you go! The application "magically will track the nutritional values​​" of the meal, pointing out the calorie intake.

5. Lose it!

Lose it! is a free application that allows users to create a very specific diet plan by balancing caloric intake and daily exercise. Simply enter your information, create your plan and analyze your progress will arrive to you directly by email. Database of foods, though in English and exercises with tracking of results.

Finally, If you interested in these apps. you can found it on Google Play site for Android app and App store site for your iPhone app. Of course, it is available for you.

วันอังคารที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

LDL cholesterol : What You Need To Know

Cholesterol can be one of the causes of cardiovascular disease and the values ​​can be monitored with blood tests and LDL cholesterol to keep in mind in the case of a healthy person are currently as follows :- up to 129 mg/dL is normal.- 130-159 mg/dL is recommended to follow a proper diet and performing regular physical activity for at least 3 months before the exams again.

with values ​​greater than 160 mg/dl, as well as advising a correction lifestyle, your doctor will assess the need for a visit by a cardiologist.The values ​​may vary of importance or severity in the case of the presence of other risk factors such as the presence of diabetes, heart attacks or other cardiovascular diseases .According to the National Cholesterol Education Panel (NCEP) LDL-cholesterol target values ​​are :- LDL < 100 mg/dl in the case of heart disease and/or diabetes.- LDL < 130 mg/dl if there are at least two major risk factors.- LDL < 160 if there is one or no risk factor.

Soup Diets help to lose a few extra pounds

The diet of soups is a fad diet that basically allows you to get your fill of vitamins, minerals and fiber, essential to maintaining active the intestine, vegetable soups are also diuretic and have a great satiating power and for this diet of soups be a great help to lose a few extra pounds without feeling too hungry.  

Diet soups: Monday

-- Breakfast: 1 cup of soy milk and cereals.
-- Snack: 1 apple.
-- Lunch: vegetable soup season + red radish seasoned with lemon juice + 2 slices of melon.
-- Snack: 1 kiwi.
-- Dinner: soup of seasonal vegetables + 1 carrot + 1 cup of berries.

Diet soups: Tuesday

-- Breakfast: 1 coffee + 4 barley biscuits with jam.
-- Snack: 2 kiwis.
-- Lunch: soup of seasonal vegetables and potatoes boiled egg + 1 + 1 sandwich soy.
-- Snack: two peaches.
-- Dinner: soup of seasonal vegetables and potatoes + 50 g of defatted ham + 2 slices of wholemeal bread + 4 slices of pineapple.

Diet soups: Wednesday

-- Breakfast: 1 cup of skim milk + 4 biscuits.
-- Snack: smoothie of apples, pears and carrots.
-- Lunch: vellulata beans and peas + 60 g of cottage cheese + 1 sandwich soy.
-- Snack: 1 banana.
-- Dinner: vellulata beans and peas + 150 g cod fillet steamed + pineapple half.

Diet soups: Thursday

-- Breakfast: 1 cup of soy milk + 2 slices of bread with honey.
-- Snack: grapefruit juice.
-- Lunch: cream of artichoke + 60 g of fresh goat cheese.
-- Snack: carrots centrifuged.
-- Dinner: cream of artichoke + 100 g of boiled chicken breast seasoned with a teaspoon of -- olive oil + 1 tomato + 1 cup of unseasoned raw berries.

Diet soups: Friday

-- Breakfast: 1 orzo + 6 biscuits.
-- Snack: half a pineapple.
-- Lunch: soup made ​​with white ribs, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, celery, onion, leek and basil + 60 g cheese quartirolo.
-- Snack: a mango.
-- Dinner: soup made ​​with white ribs, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, celery, onion, leek and basil + 60 g of dried beef + half a melon.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Example Sports for Lose Weight

#1. The Gym 

Who goes to the gym to lose weight should favor activities that are sustainable on its degree of training and who have not pause that, in fact , make insufficient physical activity .
They are good indoor cycling or treadmill , if one's holding the boredom of a task that usually takes place outdoors . To understand this , 20, ' an exercise bike and 10 ' of the treadmill can be a good warm , but certainly not a workout !

The Gym for weight loss

Easier to apply to many aerobic activities that are launched from time to time as new; evaluate them for , Let us go back to the old time " aerobics " may correspond to an hour to an hour of running the same intensity and therefore ( as we shall see in section Corsa) is a valid choice as long as you make at least 3 hours per week.

Uninteresting for the purposes of weight loss is weight lifting activity , both because it has lots of breaks and because the untrained person can typically do a job that often is not even a tenth of that of a professional body builder and eventually " wastes "an hour to burn up to 100 calories! 

#2. Cycling and Swimming 

These sports very different between them are united perspective of slimming by the same factor : a medium ( water or bicycle ) which supports the athlete during exercise , allowing to have a movement with fatigue also very reduced.

Everyone knows that with a racing bike you can go , whether flat , 50 km / h , but you can safely walk to 15 km / h , consuming very little !

cycling for weight loss plan

Since the toughest workouts ( for example cycling uphill) are typical of sports already very trained , for weight loss, both the cycling that swimming try to compensate for the ease of the medium with the duration . Typically, flat, 2.5-hour bike correspond to an hour of running / walking (depending on effort that is made by bike) , so cycling is great for weightloss as long as the subject has much time ( realistically at least 6-8 hours per week ) .

For swimming the situation is much more complex , and if the subject has a great aquatics , 2 hours of swimming equivalent to about an hour of running / walking, but it is difficult to find the time and the desire to swim so long ; vice versa if he has a bad aquatics , caloric expenditure can rise a lot, but even in this case, it is difficult for the beginner to withstand a long effort for him unusual. It is concluded that swimming is a sport not indicated for weight loss .

 #3. Race 

The ride is definitely the sport more efficient from the perspective of weight loss because it allows you to spend a lot of time in the unit . For the sedentary , however, the approach must be gradual , but within 3-6 months you can get to run with satisfaction for an hour.

Contraindications to it can be orthopedic problems (remember , however, that a person who is unable to run for 10 km can not be called healthy : it is a subject that in old age will still have a worsening of the current orthopedic problems , aggravation that will produce a percentage of invalidity negligible , in other words , who at age 40 has put a hurt knee and does nothing to fix it, preferring to give up the race , 70 will have trouble even walking ) or marked overweight , a condition that may want to start with the journey .

The advantage of running is that it is very easy to calculate the calorie expenditure with an approximate formula , but simple: calories burned are equal to the mileage for your weight in kilograms. If the person weighs 70 kg and runs for 10 km consume 700 calories. Note that it does not matter race or hard : for the 10 km beginner it will take an hour, the champion of the world less than half , but both at the same weight , they will burn the same amount of calories. It follows that the best strategy is to cover as much distance as possible, consistent with the time available and their level of training.

#4. Path 

Usually those who can not (or do not like ) race turns to walk away. Given that weight loss just " simply " walk ( ie you do not need special techniques ) , we can say that the journey is a great choice if you have enough time available. In fact , not having the flight phase , the path of travel is less expensive and you can usually calculate a correction factor of 0.8 ( provided it is sufficiently intense ) : 5 km walk is equivalent to 4 km run . The bad news is that, since the lower speed , you spend a lot longer to burn the same amount of calories. Suppose that a person in an hour runs for 10 km; burning the same amount of calories must along 12.5 kilometers of walking and , if walking at 4 km / h , it takes about 3 hours!

#5. Conclusions

The data reported in the article are obviously averages on population and , in some cases, approximations , should therefore be used for guidance in the choice of physical activity to practice , only to suit your event and the way you play sports. As a final motivation , I leave you with the information that a sedentary start doing sports activity and burns 2,000 calories / week, more than a year will burn 10 pounds of fat and probably lose about 15 kg in weight (losing fat you also lose the ' bound water in it ), if it has only 10 kg overweight , not to go underweight, will be " forced" to eat more than you do now !