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Muscle aches Causes and Remedies

Muscle aches Causes and Remedies

Did you ever feel muscle pain, decidedly unpleasant, after a workout or intense physical activity? To me yes...
Late summer of 2012. Like every year, I waited for the preparation of volleyball. A good memory huh, resulting in pain everywhere walk from paperina I was trying to hide in vain, once placed on the uniform of volleyball.

Year 2013. Before the game, after a few months break and no preparatory training, a fun summer volleyball tournament. The result? Three days of bed - sofa - bed with your mind busy by negative thoughts about my incredible hulk human condition. Seemed to cheer him only suffering muscle of my friend who, despite himself, he could make me competition. Call sadism but for me it was comforting to know that you are in good company.

Picnic on Easter Monday 2013. We thought of having to walk about 8 km and instead we ended up well percorrerne 18. a little something from nothing, "whole health" or at least so they said when the downhill slopes became interminable. Madness, I shudder at the thought still, because then I had not the slightest idea of what he meant to travel many miles to walk on a dirt road. What will be the consequences? Let's say I have found my human form, leaving those from robotic duck, just after 3-4 days of the walk, so if you want to call it.

All this to say that this article lends itself really well to be written in the very first person (in spite of the journalistic style! ) Because, while not andandone fair, I can claim to be part of that vast number of people who knew - and also cursed - muscle pain after physical activity. And for this reason, it is a pleasure to make a short but useful guide on the causes of muscle pain and the remedies to be put into practice to avoid or mitigate the problem.
That said, I'll try to answer some questions.

What are the causes of muscle pain?

As I'm sure many of you, I too have always pointed to the lactic acid as the only and solely responsible for the annoying pain after training, but the reality is different because it is a waste product that is removed almost immediately. As a result, muscle aches are due to many other causes, or to some micro-cracks of the muscle cells, connective tissue and tendons that appear in the next 24 hours and tend to regress, in a completely natural way, after about 72 hours of exercise offending. In addition, it must be said also that, contrary to what many believe, the late muscle pain ( DOMS ) affects not only those who practice sport sporadically, but also well-trained athletes who perform a different exercise than usual.
Briefly, we can therefore say that the main causes of the above micro-cracks Procuranti severe muscle pain are.

- A sporadic physical activity.
- An exercise which is not usual urges intensely a muscle group was not used to that type of evidence.
- Inappropriate management of the practice or race (pace too fast, excessive mileage, workloads exaggerated, etc.).
- The type of exercise. In fact, an eccentric muscle work, characterized by considerable tension with lengthening of the muscle, the muscle fibers submit to constant trauma. For this reason, a downhill race causes more pain than an uphill struggle.
- The heat which can lead to a substantial dehydration of the muscle tissue.

What are the correct remedies?

To combat and reduce muscle soreness after training just to put into practice some useful remedy and avoid, of course, be drawn into delusional companies such as the aforementioned jaunt nearly 20 km. Then of course we must treat the power is not giving up carbs and giving great importance to the minerals, such as potassium, sodium and magnesium, which together with water are very useful to reduce DOMS.

Here are some of the remedies most correct:

- Work out continuously in order to keep the active muscles.
- Be prepared gradually so as to avoid the risk of overloading, because the rush to improve is the enemy of the muscles.
- Take the breaks between sessions and the other, because the muscles need to rest ( in the case of pain after strenuous workouts must rest a few days).
- Attenuated the impact with the ground if you practice the stroke.
- Do stretching exercises before and after each workout in order to prevent contractures and pain relief.
- Take the most powerful supplements such as adiphene reviews uk.
- Tighten the muscles for about two minutes, even when you are lying down or sitting on the couch.
- Apply ice on the painful area for about 10 minutes so as to relieve the sensation of pain.
- Made a few sessions of massage or indulge in a warm bath made ​​from baking soda and essential oil of lavender that will help release muscle tension. I also recommend the hot tub.
- Use anti-inflammatory creams and gels to be applied with gentle massage on the affected part.

Have a good luck.